Sri Rama Gita Book Release

‘Sri Rama Gita’ is the dialogue between Sri Rama and Lakshmana where in Sri Rama describes the path of knowledge of Brahman and its methods of practice. He also synthesizes the three paths of Karma, Bhakti and Jnana as three valid paths to attain God realization. He reveals his identity as Brahman, the Supreme Godhead …

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Sanatsujatiyamu Book Release

‘Sanatsujatiyam’ is the philosophical discussion between King Dhritrashtra and Sage Sanatsujata focusing on deeper questions of life, like death, immortality, Atman, Brahman and various methods of attaining Brahma Jnana or realization of the Supreme Self. This is found as part of the great epic ‘MahaBharata’. Guruji’s commentary on this immortal classic is released as our …

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Kaivalyopanishad Book Release

‘Kaivalyopanishad’ is one of the Samanya Upanishads and is attached to Atharvana Veda. This is a discourse between Sage Ashvalayana and god Brahma. This is the 53rd book from our organization and are pleased to inform that it has been released by Guruji on Oct 7, 2022 at Ganges, MI. This is available as a …

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Vedantasaramu Book Release

We are happy to inform that ‘Vedantasara’, our 52nd book has been released today by Guruji from Detroit, USA. This book is originally written by Sri Sadananda Yogendra Saraswati, a 15th century Sankaracharya of Sringeri Mutt, India. This is Guruji’s commentary on this standard book on Advaita Vedanta. Click the link below to purchase the …

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Muktikopanishad Book Release

We are pleased to announce that our 51st e-book ‘Muktikopanishad’ has been released today by Guruji. The paths of Bhakti, Jnana and Yoga have been integrated in this Upanishad and this has been taught by Sri Rama to Hanuman. Click below to purchase the e-book. Click below to read the post in Telugu. Click …

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Savitri Upanishad Book Release

Our 49th e-book, ‘Savitri Upanishad’ in English has been released today. This can be downloaded for free on Google Play. We find two words Savita and Savitri very frequently mentioned in this Upanishad. Eventhough both indicate Sun and His energy, they carry different meanings in different contexts. The Midday Sun is called Savita and His …

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Atmopanishad Book Release

‘Atmopanishad’ our 48th book has been released today with Guruji’s commentary. This is one of the minor Upanishads and is attached to Atharvana Veda. In this, we find the teachings of Sage Angirasa and the terms Dehatma, Atma and Paramatma have been explained by him in a simplified way. We hope that readers and seekers …

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Savitri Upanishad Book Release

We are pleased to announce that our 46th book ‘Savitri Upanishad’ with Guruji’s commentary has been released today. ‘Savita’ and ‘Savitri’ are the names of Sun god that are used to describe the midday Sun and his energy. ‘Attaining immortality by conquering death’ is known as ‘Savitri Vidya’ and this can be achieved by the …

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Yoga Rahasyam Book Release

We are happy to release our 45th book today, with Guruji’s commentary on the ancient teachings of Sri Dattatreya on the practice of Yoga. These teachings which were imparted by Sri Dattatreya to King Alarka are found in Markandeya Purana in three chapters. They seem to differ slightly from the teachings of Yoga Sutras of …

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