Born in a Telugu Brahmin family, he has been blessed by Sri Ramakrishna in his childhood. As a result he had the unique fortune of receiving the grace of spiritual giants like Swami Nandanandaji, Swami Tapasyanandaji and Swami Gambhiranandaji in his youth. He was spiritual minded right from early childhood. Apart from delving deep into the world of Vedanta, Yoga and Tantra he had acquired mastery of many esoteric arts like Indian Astrology, Palmistry, Alternative Medicine, Martial arts, Effortless Poetry and Singing. He has authored 61 books in English and Telugu on different topics like Vedanta, Yoga, Tantra and Astrology filled with his personal sadhana experiences and insights. Many more books by him on Yoga, Tantra and Astrology are in the offing. He has been guiding many people in their spiritual journey by showing them the true spiritual path of ancient India. He follows the divine teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, Ramana Maharshi and Jillellamudi Amma.